Thursday, August 7, 2008

Free Tools : Blog In a Box

Blog In a Box

"ANYONE Can Create Their Own Blog Quickly AND Successfully Make A Profit, Even If They Have NO IDEA What A Blog Actually Is"

* Write About Virtually Any Topic That Interests You

* Be Successful No Matter What Your Skill Level Is

* Have All The Necessary Tools Right At Your Fingertips Whenever You Need Them

* Change The Look Of Your Blog With Minimal Effort

It's True!

Even if you haven't ever heard the word blog before, our toolkit makes it completely possible for you to not only create one easily, but to even earn money from it without the need to sell anything at all!

It really doesn't matter whether you use your new blog as a personal instrument of self discovery or as an additional marketing tool for your existing online business, using Blog In A Box you can create a blog that stands apart from all others, and you can do it within a matter of minutes!

Blogging is little more than an electronic version of something many of you have most likely had and used earlier in your lives, and some of you may still be using to this very day. What is it? Read on to find out.

# 20 Pre-Built Blog Templates in Easy-To-Use HTML format complete with PSD files for easy modification to fit your needs in a variety of styles and colors all with MASTER RESALE RIGHTS ready to use immediately with Blogger™ but easy to adjust for use with any blogging software

# Easy-To-Follow Instruction Guides that take you through all the "Ins" and "Outs" of blogging, How To Begin Profiting From Your Blog, and Beyond

# A Full Resource List of where to blog, tutorials on blogging, more in depth information about blogs, and More

# Extensive Collection of Blogging Creation Tools and Blog Enhancement Scripts
(note:This is old version)

Article Source:

->Download Link : Blog In a Box <-

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