eBook Secrets Revealed
Learn some of the most treasured ebook tips and tricks that you can start using today to create fantastic ebooks easier and quicker than ever before.
"Finally - Discover Many Of The eBook Secrets That Have Helped Make Me Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars Online..."
I Finally Spill The Beans...
How would you like five years of eBook creation experience distilled into two hours of coaching that you can immediately start benefiting from yourself?
You'll discover:
* Easy ways to create great looking eBooks
* How to add video to your eBooks
* A little known trick for growing your opt-in list with eBooks
* And much more ... full details are below:
I reveal these very easy to follow tactics step-by-step in a set of brand new coaching videos that you can view directly at your computer, These eight videos come to a total playing time of 118 minutes. Here's a quick run down of exactly what you get:
Video One (21 Minutes)
In this video I talk through my preferred way of very quickly and easily designing eBooks.
Video Two (14 Minutes)
Here I talk you through the easy way to use frames to quickly create great ebooks ... and if you're not sure what frames are don't worry as I detail every single step.
Video Three (24 Minutes)
In this video I show you something I've never talked through before - exactly how to add video to your eBooks (it's very tricky to work out if you don't have this video).
Video Four (9 Minutes)
Here I show you a very little-known but incredibly powerful trick for growing your opt-in list with eBooks.
Video Five (12 Minutes)
In this video I reveal something very few people know - how you can change what your eBook looks like at any time, even if it's already on someone's computer on the other side of the world!
Video Six (19 Minutes)
Here I'll reveal exactly how you can know how many times your eBook has been opened, as well as capturing information about the people who open your eBook.
Video Seven (9 Minutes)
In this video I reveal an easy way (probably the easiest way) to password protect your eBook.
Video Eight (10 Minutes)
Here I talk through when to use PDF eBooks, when to use EXE eBooks, and the important differences between the two formats.
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